Caroline Phillips: Gerard & Jonas
Caroline Phillips: Pingis, Walter & Caroline
Caroline Phillips: Steve Clayton Storytelling
Caroline Phillips: Joakim & Windows Foam
Caroline Phillips: Off to meet Brandon & the Mobile Team
Caroline Phillips: Studio G home of the Mobile Team
Caroline Phillips: Crazy Geek aka Ruud!
Caroline Phillips: Boeing Museum of Flight
Caroline Phillips: Jas Sandhu
Caroline Phillips: Jeff's Kinect SDK Q&A
Caroline Phillips: Jeff Sandquist Kinect SDK announcement
Caroline Phillips: Serge & José Bowling
Caroline Phillips: MS Store Bellevue
Caroline Phillips: Cloud Power @ SEATAC Airport
Caroline Phillips: Anders & Joakim
Caroline Phillips: Windows Foam tucking into lobster
Caroline Phillips: Gerard, Caroline & Serge
Caroline Phillips: Windows Foam @ Building 92
Caroline Phillips: The true meaning of HTML :)
Caroline Phillips: Ruud & Gerard @ the Dutch lunch
Caroline Phillips: The Commons
Caroline Phillips: Bowling @ Lucky Strike
Caroline Phillips: Anders & Emilio
Caroline Phillips: Jonas & Gerard @ the Boeing Museum