caroline_k: taxis at Heathrow
caroline_k: Mom and Dad in taxi
caroline_k: cab ride
caroline_k: bakery window
caroline_k: treats
caroline_k: bakery window
caroline_k: goods
caroline_k: polite notice
caroline_k: The Plough
caroline_k: plaids
caroline_k: British Museum
caroline_k: museum facade
caroline_k: columns
caroline_k: British Museum ceiling
caroline_k: pattern
caroline_k: Roman Venus, 2nd century AD
caroline_k: sun through ceiling
caroline_k: DSC03754
caroline_k: boy king
caroline_k: Gayer-Anderson Cat (600 BC)
caroline_k: ram of Amun with King Taharqa (690-664 BC)
caroline_k: cute owl
caroline_k: the goddess Hathor (1400 BC)
caroline_k: the Trentham Lady (Greece, 130-100 BC)
caroline_k: the Trentham Lady (Greece, 130-100 BC)
caroline_k: Montague Street
caroline_k: coolest street name ever
caroline_k: The Montague
caroline_k: licensed to sell intoxicating liquor of all descriptions