caroline_k: morning sun
caroline_k: morning sunshine on monterey
caroline_k: morning sunshine on monterey 2
caroline_k: morning sunshine and seagull
caroline_k: morning sunlight on the ocean
caroline_k: footprints in sand
caroline_k: DSC03952
caroline_k: DSC03955
caroline_k: DSC03961
caroline_k: monterey in september
caroline_k: sniffin
caroline_k: fun times two
caroline_k: hello there
caroline_k: little dog big beach
caroline_k: yippee
caroline_k: dachsunds! on the beach!
caroline_k: prancing
caroline_k: curious
caroline_k: morning dachsund
caroline_k: baxter and sophie
caroline_k: DSC03998
caroline_k: shut up and eat
caroline_k: inside shut up and eat
caroline_k: inside shut up and eat 2
caroline_k: detail of oh yes fence
caroline_k: oh yes fence in asbury park
caroline_k: DSC04005
caroline_k: mr skeleton
caroline_k: creepy clown
caroline_k: bar stuff