Following Hadrian:
Portrait of Antinous, from the Odeon of Carthage (Colonia Iulia Concordia Carthago), National Museum of Bardo, Tunisia
Following Hadrian:
Portrait of Sabina, from Thuburbo Majus (Colonia Julia Aurelia Commoda), National Museum of Bardo, Tunisia
Following Hadrian:
The island of Rhodes on the Ammaedara ‘Mosaic of the Islands’ from Ammaedara (Haïdra), dated to the late 3rd - early 4th century AD, National Museum of Bardo, Tunisia
Following Hadrian:
Odysseus and the Sirens, Mosaic from Dougga, 2nd century AD, Bardo National Museum, Tunis
Following Hadrian:
Odysseus and the Sirens Mosaic from Dougga (detail), 2nd century AD, Bardo National Museum, Tunis
Following Hadrian:
Mosaic with the poet Virgil and the two Muses, Clio and Melpomene, dated to the early 3rd century AD, from Hadrumetum (Sousse), National Museum of Bardo, Tunisia
Following Hadrian:
Mosaic with the poet Virgil and the two Muses, Clio and Melpomene, dated to the early 3rd century AD, from Hadrumetum (Sousse), National Museum of Bardo, Tunisia
Following Hadrian:
Mosaic with the poet Virgil and the two Muses, detail of Virgil, Clio and Melpomene, dated to the early 3rd century AD, from Hadrumetum (Sousse), National Museum of Bardo, Tunisia
Following Hadrian:
Mosaic with the poet Virgil and the two Muses, Clio and Melpomene, dated to the early 3rd century AD, from Hadrumetum (Sousse), National Museum of Bardo, Tunisia
Following Hadrian:
Mosaic with the poet Virgil and the two Muses, Clio and Melpomene, dated to the early 3rd century AD, from Hadrumetum (Sousse), National Museum of Bardo, Tunisia
Following Hadrian:
Mosaic with the poet Virgil and the two Muses, Clio and Melpomene, detail of the parchment, dated to the early 3rd century AD, from Hadrumetum (Sousse), National Museum of Bardo, Tunisia
Following Hadrian:
Roman mosaic panel of a noblewoman depicted as Venus and surrounded by two maidservants helping her dress and comb her hair, dated to the 5th century AD, from the ladies changing room of the Sidi Ghrib Baths, National Museum of Bardo
Following Hadrian:
National Museum of Bardo, Tunisia
Following Hadrian:
The Triumph of Neptune and the Four Season, dated to the middle of the 3rd century AD, from Chebba, National Museum of Bardo, Tunisia
Following Hadrian:
Neptune's Triumph mosaic from the House of Sorothus in ancient Hadrumetus (Sousse), dated to the 2nd century AD, National Museum of Bardo, Tunisia
Following Hadrian:
Neptune's Triumph mosaic from the House of Sorothus in ancient Hadrumetus (Sousse), dated to the 2nd century AD, National Museum of Bardo, Tunisia
Following Hadrian:
Neptune's Triumph mosaic from the House of Sorothus in ancient Hadrumetus (Sousse), dated to the 2nd century AD, National Museum of Bardo, Tunisia
Following Hadrian:
Neptune's Triumph mosaic from the House of Sorothus in ancient Hadrumetus (Sousse), dated to the 2nd century AD, National Museum of Bardo, Tunisia
Following Hadrian:
Neptune's Triumph mosaic from the House of Sorothus in ancient Hadrumetus (Sousse), dated to the 2nd century AD, National Museum of Bardo, Tunisia
Following Hadrian:
Neptune's Triumph mosaic from the House of Sorothus in ancient Hadrumetus (Sousse), dated to the 2nd century AD, National Museum of Bardo, Tunisia