Following Hadrian: Details of vegetal and floral designs in mosaics from Thamugadi, Musée de Timgad, Algeria
Following Hadrian: Details of vegetal and floral designs in mosaics from Thamugadi, Musée de Timgad, Algeria
Following Hadrian: Details of vegetal and floral designs in mosaics from Thumugadi, Musée de Timgad, Algeria
Following Hadrian: Neptune in his chariot, from the East Baths of Thamugadi, the god brandishes his trident as he stands in his chariot which is drawn by four sea horses, 3rd century AD, Musée de Timgad, Algeria
Following Hadrian: Neptune in his chariot, from the East Baths of Thamugadi, the god brandishes his trident as he stands in his chariot which is drawn by four sea horses, 3rd century AD, Musée de Timgad, Algeria
Following Hadrian: Marine Venus mosaic, the goddess is shown naked, sitting on the back of a marine centaur in the company of another sea centaur, from a private house in Thamugadi, 3rd century AD, Musée de Timgad, Algeria
Following Hadrian: Details of vegetal and floral designs in mosaics from Thamugadi, Musée de Timgad, Algeria
Following Hadrian: Musée de Timgad, Algeria
Following Hadrian: Details of vegetal and floral designs in mosaics from Thamugadi, Musée de Timgad, Algeria
Following Hadrian: Musée de Timgad, Algeria
Following Hadrian: Musée de Timgad, Algeria
Following Hadrian: Mosaic of the Philadelphi, the central panel portrays the pursuit of Antiope (represented as a Maenad) by Zeus, disguised as a satyr and the inscription FILADELFIS VITA (Long life to the Philadelphians), early 3rd century AD, Musée de Timgad
Following Hadrian: Artemis and Actaeon Mosaic, from a private house in Thamugadi, 3rd century AD, Musée de Timgad, Algeria
Following Hadrian: Mosaic of the Nereids by Aspasios, made up of small, closely set tesserae (opus vermiculatum), from the baths in Lambaesis, mid-2nd century AD, Musée de Timgad, Algeria
Following Hadrian: Close-up to the mosaic of the Nereids by Aspasios, made up of small, closely set tesserae (opus vermiculatum), from the baths in Lambaesis, mid-2nd century AD, Musée de Timgad, Algeria
Following Hadrian: Close-up to the mosaic of the Nereids by Aspasios, made up of small, closely set tesserae (opus vermiculatum), from the baths in Lambaesis, mid-2nd century AD, Musée de Timgad, Algeria
Following Hadrian: Close-up to the mosaic of the Nereids by Aspasios, made up of small, closely set tesserae (opus vermiculatum), from the baths in Lambaesis, mid-2nd century AD, Musée de Timgad, Algeria