Following Hadrian: Mosaic of Alexander the Great & Darius, Pompeii
Following Hadrian: House of the Faun, Pompeii
Following Hadrian: Bronze Statue of the Dancing Faun, Pompeii
Following Hadrian: House of the Faun, the large atrium with cubicula on three sides and a tablinum at the rear, Pompeii
Following Hadrian: House of the Faun, mosaic floor, Pompeii
Following Hadrian: House of the Faun, the fauces, the entrance passageway or vestibule leading to the atrium, decorated in First Pompeian Style, Pompeii
Following Hadrian: House of the Faun, decorated floor consisting of small triangular pieces of coloured marble inside the fauces (vestibule), Pompeii
Following Hadrian: House of the Faun, the large atrium with cubicula on three sides and a tablinum at the rear, Pompeii
Following Hadrian: House of the Faun, the fauces, the entrance passageway or vestibule leading to the atrium, Pompeii
Following Hadrian: House of the Faun, the second peristyle occupying more than a third of the insula, Pompeii
Following Hadrian: House of the Faun, the second peristyle occupying more than a third of the insula, Pompeii
Following Hadrian: Two Lararia (household shrines) in the House of the Faun, Pompeii
Following Hadrian: House of the Faun, the second peristyle occupying more than a third of the insula, Pompeii
Following Hadrian: House of the Faun, the second peristyle occupying more than a third of the insula, Pompeii
Following Hadrian: House of the Faun, the second peristyle occupying more than a third of the insula, Pompeii
Following Hadrian: House of the Faun, broad exedra with an almost full width window at the rear opening onto the second peristyle, Pompeii
Following Hadrian: House of the Faun, situated on the north side of the Via della Fortuna, Pompeii
Following Hadrian: Mosaic from the House of the Faun, Pompeii, Naples National Archaeological Museum
Following Hadrian: Mosaic depicting a cat attacking a quail (above) and ducks, fish & shellfish (below), from the House of the Faun, Pompeii, late 2nd century BC, Naples Archaeological Museum
Following Hadrian: Mosaic depicting a cat attacking a quail, from the House of the Faun, Pompeii, late 2nd century BC, Naples Archaeological Museum
Following Hadrian: Mosaic with ornate festoon of leaves and fruit and tragic masks, from the House of the Faun, Pompeii, Naples Archaeological Museum
Following Hadrian: Mosaic with ornate festoon of leaves and fruit and tragic masks, from the House of the Faun, Pompeii, Naples Archaeological Museum
Following Hadrian: Detail of the Alexander Mosaic depicting the Battle of Issus between Alexander the Great & Darius III of Persia, from the House of the Faun in Pompeii, Naples Archaeological Museum
Following Hadrian: Detail of the Alexander Mosaic depicting the Battle of Issus between Alexander the Great & Darius III of Persia, from the House of the Faun in Pompeii, Naples Archaeological Museum
Following Hadrian: Detail of the Alexander Mosaic depicting the Battle of Issus between Alexander the Great & Darius III of Persia, from the House of the Faun in Pompeii, Naples Archaeological Museum
Following Hadrian: Detail of the Alexander Mosaic depicting the Battle of Issus between Alexander the Great & Darius III of Persia, from the House of the Faun in Pompeii, Naples Archaeological Museum
Following Hadrian: Detail of the Alexander Mosaic depicting the Battle of Issus between Alexander the Great & Darius III of Persia, from the House of the Faun in Pompeii, Naples Archaeological Museum
Following Hadrian: The Alexander Mosaic depicting the Battle of Issus between Alexander the Great & Darius III of Persia, from the House of the Faun in Pompeii, Naples Archaeological Museum
Following Hadrian: Mosaic with a satyr and a maenad, from one of the cubicula of the House of the Faun, late 2nd century BC, Naples Archeological Museum
Following Hadrian: The Alexander Mosaic depicting the Battle of Issus between Alexander the Great & Darius III of Persia, from the House of the Faun in Pompeii, Naples Archaeological Museum