Following Hadrian:
Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The residential and production district located south of the forum, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The residential and production district located south of the forum, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The residential and production district located south of the forum, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The Southern Basilica dating to the Late Roman period, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
A domus (private house) south of the Forum with an atrium floored with a white mosaic pavement, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The residential and production district located south of the forum, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The residential and production district located south of the forum, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The residential and production district located south of the forum, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The residential and production district located south of the forum, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The Via Traina crossing the urban centre of the town and partly built upon the route of the former late Republican Via Minucia, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The Via Traina crossing the urban centre of the town and partly built upon the route of the former late Republican Via Minucia, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The Via Traina crossing the urban centre of the town and partly built upon the route of the former late Republican Via Minucia, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The Via Traina crossing the urban centre of the town and partly built upon the route of the former late Republican Via Minucia, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The Roman forum, it was paved with regular blocks of tufa and enclosed by a portico with Doric columns, covered with limestone, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The Roman forum, it was paved with regular blocks of tufa and enclosed by a portico with Doric columns, covered with limestone, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The Roman forum, it was paved with regular blocks of tufa and enclosed by a portico with Doric columns, covered with limestone, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The Roman forum, it was paved with regular blocks of tufa and enclosed by a portico with Doric columns, covered with limestone, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The so-called Amphitheatre, an oval plaza with a monumental entrance leading to the temples of the Eastern Gods, it may have been used for religious festivals, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The Temple of Cybele in front of the the so-called Amphitheatre, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The Temple of Cybele in front of the the so-called Amphitheatre, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The Sacellum of Attis, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The sanctuary complex of the Oriental gods and the statue base decorated with the musical instruments that would accompany the ceremonies in honour of Cybele and Attis, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy
Following Hadrian:
The sanctuary complex of the Oriental gods and the statue base decorated with the musical instruments that would accompany the ceremonies in honour of Cybele and Attis, Gnatia (Egnazia), Italy