CAJC: in the PNW:
A spot of early morning sun in the early fall garden
CAJC: in the PNW:
Summer in the morning
CAJC: in the PNW:
CAJC: in the PNW:
Sunday shine
CAJC: in the PNW:
Burrowing into the penstemon
CAJC: in the PNW:
Prairie coneflower
CAJC: in the PNW:
Sundrops in my garden
CAJC: in the PNW:
A small drift of iris
CAJC: in the PNW:
Dark wings
CAJC: in the PNW:
Purple leaved chokecherry
CAJC: in the PNW:
Blueberry dreams
CAJC: in the PNW:
Golden slumbers
CAJC: in the PNW:
Blossom Blanket groundcover rose
CAJC: in the PNW:
Grass in the garden
CAJC: in the PNW:
Last roses of summer
CAJC: in the PNW:
Soon the frost will nip the rose in the bud
CAJC: in the PNW:
False Virginia Creeper between the lines
CAJC: in the PNW:
Indian Blanketflower
CAJC: in the PNW:
Poppy mallow among the blue spirea
CAJC: in the PNW:
Coreposis, fennel and so forth
CAJC: in the PNW:
Pine leaf penstemon
CAJC: in the PNW:
Grass contrast
CAJC: in the PNW:
Composition effect
CAJC: in the PNW:
Blue spirea and purple ? plum probably
CAJC: in the PNW:
Another garden snapshot
CAJC: in the PNW:
Just a garden snapshot
CAJC: in the PNW:
Springing forth for Easter
CAJC: in the PNW:
Western wheatgrass in bloom
CAJC: in the PNW:
Western wheatgrass in bloom
CAJC: in the PNW:
Western wheatgrass in bloom