CAJC: in the PNW:
Waves near Bandon, OR 2002
CAJC: in the PNW:
Fog on beach by Bandon, OR 2002
CAJC: in the PNW:
Mimulus, Oregon coast, 2002
CAJC: in the PNW:
Dungeness Spit, WA
CAJC: in the PNW:
Dungeness Spit, OR
CAJC: in the PNW:
Dungeness Spit, WA
CAJC: in the PNW:
Cape Meares, OR
CAJC: in the PNW:
Cape Meares, OR
CAJC: in the PNW:
Cape Meares, OR
CAJC: in the PNW:
Cape Meares, OR
CAJC: in the PNW:
Cape Meares, OR
CAJC: in the PNW:
Cape Meares Lighthouse, OR
CAJC: in the PNW:
Cape Meares Lighthouse, OR
CAJC: in the PNW:
Cape Meares Lighthouse, OR
CAJC: in the PNW:
Cape Meares, OR
CAJC: in the PNW:
Research vessel
CAJC: in the PNW:
Yurty goodness
CAJC: in the PNW:
Rain on the Malheur
CAJC: in the PNW:
A small patch of onions
CAJC: in the PNW:
Jennifer at the beach
CAJC: in the PNW:
As if he grew there, house and all-----Together.
CAJC: in the PNW:
Tiny little red hats
CAJC: in the PNW:
The loving eye
CAJC: in the PNW:
A newt
CAJC: in the PNW:
CAJC: in the PNW:
Ruffle lichen
CAJC: in the PNW:
Storm heading West
CAJC: in the PNW:
The bee in the salal
CAJC: in the PNW:
I always feel like
CAJC: in the PNW:
First approach