CBsoundso: Breakfast
CBsoundso: As beautiful as this may be. Sunset before 4 in the afternoon! WTF?
CBsoundso: The whole house smells like summer. Thank you, unknown person who didn't want the lilies in their apartment.
CBsoundso: The snow has its first victim: the Fernsehturm is gone. Nooooo!
CBsoundso: Starting my own yoga retreat - just without the yoga
CBsoundso: Sunrise
CBsoundso: Look what I found: A backgammon game my sister made me a few years ago.
CBsoundso: What the?
CBsoundso: Weihnachten...
CBsoundso: Washed my @tumult phone pouch. Now the holes in it shine ever more brightly.
CBsoundso: Spekulatius cake. Christmas is coming...
CBsoundso: perfect tanzanian dinner (kilwa masoko)
CBsoundso: Man making sugarcane juice in Mombasa, Kenya (2012)
CBsoundso: Tusker beer, Nairobi, Kenya (2012)
CBsoundso: hear hear at Oderberger Strasse
CBsoundso: please make it stop!
CBsoundso: Procrastinating at Oderberger Strasse
CBsoundso: chopping apples and grapefruits with cuts in my fingertips - not the best idea I've had
CBsoundso: a screw falls off my Ikea lounge/guest bed chair. so I crawl underneath the chair to see what's going on. and what do I find? a missing piece of my favorite set of ear rings which I thought I had lost weeks ago in the tram. odd.
CBsoundso: enjoy it while it lasts at C/O Berlin
CBsoundso: Fire!
CBsoundso: Attack of the 11 year old girls...
CBsoundso: upload
CBsoundso: So good!
CBsoundso: My work buddy.
CBsoundso: U-Bahn fahrn
CBsoundso: Stepping up the Christmas. Bringing in the Africa...
CBsoundso: Most important meal of the day ;-)
CBsoundso: Having fish on Christmas Eve
CBsoundso: Schaf. Halb oder ganz?