Carol ~ CAP: Little Traveler
Carol ~ CAP: Heaven Showers Tai with Snow
Carol ~ CAP: Snow Can't Stop this Party
Carol ~ CAP: Snowy Ears
Carol ~ CAP: Snow Fun
Carol ~ CAP: Tai Marks His Territory
Carol ~ CAP: Cheering for Butterstick
Carol ~ CAP: Who Needs a Sled?
Carol ~ CAP: Tumbling Tai
Carol ~ CAP: Snowy Papa Bear
Carol ~ CAP: Snowy Day Picnic
Carol ~ CAP: Cutie-Pie
Carol ~ CAP: The Poser
Carol ~ CAP: Didn't your mother teach you not to talk with your mouth full?
Carol ~ CAP: A Last Look
Carol ~ CAP: My Last Day with Tai Shan
Carol ~ CAP: Hang On
Carol ~ CAP: A Walk Down Memory Lane
Carol ~ CAP: Sentimental Journey
Carol ~ CAP: Snowy Picnic
Carol ~ CAP: Snow Coating
Carol ~ CAP: And an apple on top!
Carol ~ CAP: All For Me!
Carol ~ CAP: The Take Out Window