carol-quilts: My Grandfather, Guiseppe Siciliano and my grandmother, wedding day, 1921
carol-quilts: My Grandfather, Guiseppe Siciliano, wedding day, 1921
carol-quilts: My Mother, Mary at 17
carol-quilts: My Mother, Mary
carol-quilts: Aunt Jackie S, Aunt Bea S. friend and my mother, Mary Siciliano
carol-quilts: Vince, My mom, Jimmy, Andrew
carol-quilts: My mother, Mary Siciliano and my brother, Jimmy
carol-quilts: Pop Vincenzo, Jimmy and Mom, 1950
carol-quilts: Jimmy 2
carol-quilts: A Combs cousin and my father, Eugene, 1940's
carol-quilts: A gal with My father, Eugene, 1940's
carol-quilts: My mother,Mary, Jimmy and my father, Eugene
carol-quilts: I think Becky, Pop Vincenzo, my father and mother and Mom
carol-quilts: Jimmy and me about '52
carol-quilts: Me and Lucretia, about 1953
carol-quilts: Must be Saturday night, Jimmy and Me
carol-quilts: Aunt Gen as school child
carol-quilts: Aunt Gen
carol-quilts: Carmella
carol-quilts: Me, 16 First date w Greg. '67
carol-quilts: Greg and Carol '67
carol-quilts: Greg and I '68
carol-quilts: Mom, my grandmother '67
carol-quilts: Mom Halloween '67
carol-quilts: My uncle Fonzi '67
carol-quilts: Mom with cat and monkey
carol-quilts: My Grandmother, her DeLuca niece and family
carol-quilts: Vince's truck at home in Asbury Park, '67
carol-quilts: Greg and Jimmy, '68