carnifex82: IMG_2020
carnifex82: Huge mushroom ..
carnifex82: Misty black forest
carnifex82: IMG_2090
carnifex82: Spiky mushroom ..
carnifex82: Glockenblume - Campanula
carnifex82: Cottage
carnifex82: IMG_2141
carnifex82: IMG_2169
carnifex82: Historischer Pfad - historical path
carnifex82: Black Forest Spike Trap
carnifex82: IMG_2216
carnifex82: mushroom
carnifex82: Mushroom, mushroom ..
carnifex82: I'm blue ..
carnifex82: Spidey (Araneus diadematus)
carnifex82: unknown Bug
carnifex82: Geocache Hexenlochmühle and our addition
carnifex82: Hidden geocache
carnifex82: The way up ..
carnifex82: IMG_2348
carnifex82: "Wild" stream
carnifex82: "wilder" stream
carnifex82: grasshopper
carnifex82: This is why I love the black forest
carnifex82: This is why I love the black forest, part 2
carnifex82: Clover in a small clearance
carnifex82: Cliff
carnifex82: Black forest turning black
carnifex82: Triberger waterfall in sunlight