CarmNSandiego: peeking through the gate
CarmNSandiego: down by the bridge
CarmNSandiego: untitled
CarmNSandiego: ripening
CarmNSandiego: cherry season
CarmNSandiego: $1.75 / bunch
CarmNSandiego: one of these things is not like the other
CarmNSandiego: take a seat
CarmNSandiego: that bridge
CarmNSandiego: fence above the bridge at dusk
CarmNSandiego: daydreaming - 361/365
CarmNSandiego: mellow yellow melon - 342/365
CarmNSandiego: caught in a downpour - 322/365 {Explore!}
CarmNSandiego: the view from the side - 305/365
CarmNSandiego: a bench and a fence (and a trashcan...) {Explore!}
CarmNSandiego: a drippy fence {Explore!}
CarmNSandiego: take me to the river {Explore!}
CarmNSandiego: because if you're happy in your head, solitude is blessed, and alone is okay {Explore!}
CarmNSandiego: a friday fence
CarmNSandiego: a sunday stroll
CarmNSandiego: short hair, don't care