CarminaGitana: Terrified locals run like total retards.
CarminaGitana: Knee-deep in the middle of Prospect Park; smiles are nervous tics.
CarminaGitana: Onlookers do nothing as rising waters threaten to consume all
CarminaGitana: Household pets battle rising ride
CarminaGitana: A storm-wrecked child reduced to prehistoric lifestyle of playing outside
CarminaGitana: Some victims have already evolved into new race of tree people
CarminaGitana: A terrified youngster is trapped in a tree; judging by that face, it has already gone feral
CarminaGitana: Despite valiant efforts of personnel on the scene, the tree could not be revived
CarminaGitana: Look! Something happened!
CarminaGitana: Displaced citizens wander the streets, searching desperately for coffee and brunch
CarminaGitana: Last but not least. This was my post-disaster brunch. Booyah.
CarminaGitana: A citizen bravely sallies forth in a newsboy cap. We can only surmise the hurricane took his newspapers.
CarminaGitana: A man, driven mad by panic, forgets that we use cell phones now
CarminaGitana: Impromptu wading pond