carlynorama: IBM ThinkCentre
carlynorama: Nicely folds open
carlynorama: Release button
carlynorama: So tidy
carlynorama: Floppy drive just slid out
carlynorama: Front lifts up as well
carlynorama: Both sides lifted up.
carlynorama: Hard drive basket
carlynorama: Clip-In LEDs and button for the front of the case
carlynorama: What the LEDs and button look like on the outside
carlynorama: ThinkCentre, front panel removed
carlynorama: ThinkCentre, DVD player slips right out.
carlynorama: How the hard drive lives in its basket.
carlynorama: Hard drive basket in place without hard drive
carlynorama: The motherboard of the ThinkCentre on its carrying board
carlynorama: Clamps that held the giant heat sink in place
carlynorama: CD ROM Model from ThinkCentre
carlynorama: Hard drive model from ThinkCentre
carlynorama: Floppy drive model from ThinkCentre
carlynorama: Inside the floppy dive
carlynorama: bottom of the floppy drive from ThinkCentre
carlynorama: Floppy Disk being inserted into drive from ThinkCentre
carlynorama: Floppy Drive. Disk In.
carlynorama: Floppy Drive Motor
carlynorama: Floppy Drive motor, chip close up
carlynorama: Palm Pilot being dismantled
carlynorama: Palm Pilot Cell Phone Shielding
carlynorama: Palm Pilot Smart Phone Inside
carlynorama: Plam Pilot Smart Phone Buttons - Why they click
carlynorama: Cell Phone 3 Pager Motor