CarlosSilvestre62: Sun Princess in champagne bay
CarlosSilvestre62: Sun Princess on the island of Wala
CarlosSilvestre62: Champagne bay ( Vanuatu )
CarlosSilvestre62: Anse Vata beach ( Noumea )
CarlosSilvestre62: Shark Remora - Echeneis naucrates
CarlosSilvestre62: Tropical fish in Noumea
CarlosSilvestre62: Crystal waters
CarlosSilvestre62: Tree on the beach
CarlosSilvestre62: Sun Princess sunset
CarlosSilvestre62: Kuendu beach- New Caledonia
CarlosSilvestre62: Sunset on Sun Princess
CarlosSilvestre62: Sunset on Sun Princess
CarlosSilvestre62: Sun Princess on the isle of pines - New Caledonia
CarlosSilvestre62: Sunset on Sun Princess
CarlosSilvestre62: Sunset on Sun Princess
CarlosSilvestre62: Pacific Jewel on the high seas
CarlosSilvestre62: Sun Princess under Sydney harbour bridge
CarlosSilvestre62: Top of Sydney harbour bridge
CarlosSilvestre62: Sydney harbour bridge
CarlosSilvestre62: Sun Princess on the island of Wala ( Vanuatu )
CarlosSilvestre62: Wala island
CarlosSilvestre62: Sun Princess in Champagne bay
CarlosSilvestre62: Freshly caught lobster
CarlosSilvestre62: Crystal blue lagoon ( Vanuatu )
CarlosSilvestre62: Lifou island -New Caledonia
CarlosSilvestre62: Dog on the beach
CarlosSilvestre62: Kuendu beach- New Caledonia
CarlosSilvestre62: Leaf in the blue lake