carlo_montoya: Asking for direction
carlo_montoya: Crossing the Street 1
carlo_montoya: Will soon cross the street
carlo_montoya: The world passes him by unnoticed
carlo_montoya: Conductor
carlo_montoya: It's just another day in paradise
carlo_montoya: Busy Intersection
carlo_montoya: Crossing the Street 2
carlo_montoya: Rain rain go away
carlo_montoya: Not exactly sure what she is doing
carlo_montoya: Street imp
carlo_montoya: Floating Head
carlo_montoya: Sidewalk BBQ Eatery
carlo_montoya: Take your pick
carlo_montoya: Waiting for their jeepneys
carlo_montoya: Sidewalk fruit vendors
carlo_montoya: These chefs wear blue
carlo_montoya: Take out please
carlo_montoya: All aboard
carlo_montoya: Out on a date
carlo_montoya: Sleeping under a waiting shed
carlo_montoya: A stray dog - sharing the same fate as the old man
carlo_montoya: Peanuts
carlo_montoya: Shooting the shooters crossing the street
carlo_montoya: This street cat wasn't afraid of me
carlo_montoya: Our trash his treasure