< Carlisle 1457 >:
68033 & 68025 `Superb` (6C46, 1256 Sellafield to Kingmoor)
< Carlisle 1457 >:
68002 `Intrepid` & 68033 (6M22, 1217 Hunterston Low Level to Sellafield)
< Carlisle 1457 >:
68033 (2C40, 1745 Carlisle to Barrow-in-Furness)
< Carlisle 1457 >:
68033 (6K27, 1443 Carlisle New Yard to Crewe Basford Hall)
< Carlisle 1457 >:
390138, 37409, 37402 & 68033
< Carlisle 1457 >:
68033 `The Poppy` (5N32 1005 Polmadie to Longsight)
< Carlisle 1457 >:
68022 `Resolution` & 68033 `The Poppy` (3J11 1410 Kingmoor to Kingmoor RHTT)
< Carlisle 1457 >:
68022 `Resolution` & 68033 `The Poppy` (3J11 1410 Kingmoor to Kingmoor RHTT)