CarlBSr: New camera with Old lens
CarlBSr: Past their prime taken on a new camera with an old lens
CarlBSr: Look out! Hard landing.
CarlBSr: Weathering detail
CarlBSr: Pinion Pine Stump
CarlBSr: New camera with Old lens
CarlBSr: Waking from the aftenoon nap
CarlBSr: Reflected sunset
CarlBSr: Salt and Pepper depth of field
CarlBSr: Look out! I'm comin' in!
CarlBSr: Apple and Berries
CarlBSr: Old hand, old lens, new camera
CarlBSr: The things I have to do for food!
CarlBSr: Final approach!
CarlBSr: Serenade at the Overlook
CarlBSr: First one open
CarlBSr: In the shadows
CarlBSr: Columbines again
CarlBSr: Same Bleeding Hearts
CarlBSr: Shari in morning light
CarlBSr: Four humming birds
CarlBSr: Flaming Katy
CarlBSr: Flowers in the shade