Carl Campbell:
End of the Season
Carl Campbell:
Winter Bloom
Carl Campbell:
Carl Campbell:
Old Rose
Carl Campbell:
Condesa Flora
Carl Campbell:
Pata de Vaca
Carl Campbell:
Flower on Stone
Carl Campbell:
Flowering Tree on Juan de la Barrera (2)
Carl Campbell:
Flowering Tree on Juan de la Barrera (3)
Carl Campbell:
Flowering Tree on Juan de la Barrera (6)
Carl Campbell:
Flowering Tree on Juan de la Barrera (7)
Carl Campbell:
A Rose was a Rose
Carl Campbell:
Morning Glories (Amasya Turkey 1993)
Carl Campbell:
Flower Head
Carl Campbell:
Yellow Flower
Carl Campbell:
Field Flower
Carl Campbell:
Yellow Hibiscus on Obregon
Carl Campbell:
Fading in Pink
Carl Campbell:
Last on the Vine 2
Carl Campbell:
Last on the Vine 3
Carl Campbell:
Last on the Vine 1
Carl Campbell:
Yellow Flower
Carl Campbell:
End of the Season
Carl Campbell:
Blue Flowers on Amsterdam
Carl Campbell:
Carl Campbell:
PEI Wildflower
Carl Campbell:
PEI Wild Rose
Carl Campbell:
Dead Flower
Carl Campbell:
Yellow Flower
Carl Campbell:
Flowers Clifton PEI July 1996