carladenton: Sofia in our room overlooking Cuzco
carladenton: Sofia with a group of indigenous women Cuzco
carladenton: Sofia and Carla at one of many Inca walls typical Cuzco
carladenton: Shaman Shop Cuzco
carladenton: Sagrada Familia, Cuzco
carladenton: cuzco typical street view down
carladenton: view up the same street
carladenton: cuzco at night
carladenton: children's parade cuzco
carladenton: bailes peruanos7
carladenton: sofia at the end of a street ollantaytambo
carladenton: stepped walls at ollantaytambo
carladenton: side street of ollantaytambo
carladenton: Ollantaytambo
carladenton: Aqueduct from early inca times ollantaytambo
carladenton: another picture on the steps taken by the borrachito
carladenton: rustic steps ollantaytambo
carladenton: andes from plane window
carladenton: Singing Happy Birthday
carladenton: Childhood home
carladenton: Helado de Canela
carladenton: La Cancha
carladenton: Statue to Women of Cochabamba
carladenton: Chinchilla's
carladenton: Pocoata Finca
carladenton: Drying corn for chicha
carladenton: Carajo
carladenton: Clock winder and historian
carladenton: Tarata from the Clock Tower