heravarice: My father with siblings and cousins (Manila, 1960's)
heravarice: My grandparents and their children (Manila, 1960's)
heravarice: My grandfather (Manila, 1960's)
heravarice: My aunt Maria (Manila, 1940's)
heravarice: My grandfather and business associates (Japan, 1960's)
heravarice: My father (Japan, 1960's)
heravarice: My father with family (Japan, 1960's)
heravarice: My father and his siblings (Manila, 1960's)
heravarice: My grandfather and his daughters (Manila, 1960's)
heravarice: My grandparents (Japan, 1960's)
heravarice: my aunt
heravarice: my grandparents and aunts
heravarice: my grandmother
heravarice: my grandmother
heravarice: my grandmother, in japan