ml's pictures: Prairie Warbler
ml's pictures: Flycatcher, relaxed view
ml's pictures: Flycatcher sp.
ml's pictures: Flycatcher--accurate ID needed!
ml's pictures: Immature Great-crested Flycatcher
ml's pictures: Royal Tern
ml's pictures: Royal Tern in flight, with fish
ml's pictures: Royal Tern, trying to hide behind an immature Laughing Gull
ml's pictures: Forster's Tern
ml's pictures: Scarlet Tanager
ml's pictures: Black-and-White Warbler
ml's pictures: Likely a Willow Flycatcher
ml's pictures: Likely a Willow Flycatcher
ml's pictures: White-eyed Vireo, immature
ml's pictures: Prairie Warbler, juvenile
ml's pictures: Prairie Warbler, juvenile
ml's pictures: Royal Terns, Juvenile, adult
ml's pictures: Royal Tern
ml's pictures: Royal & Forster's Terns
ml's pictures: Forster's & Royal Terns
ml's pictures: Blue Grosbeak, female
ml's pictures: Cape May Warbler
ml's pictures: Cape May Warbler, top
ml's pictures: Cape May Warbler
ml's pictures: Northern Parula
ml's pictures: Northern Parula
ml's pictures: Clay-colored Sparrow
ml's pictures: Cape May Warbler
ml's pictures: Clay-colored Sparrow
ml's pictures: Pied-bill Grebe, juvenile