Carey...: First Birthday
Carey...: First Birthday
Carey...: First Birthday
Carey...: First Birthday
Carey...: First Birthday
Carey...: Griffin and Eleanor in her car
Carey...: Griffin
Carey...: Cheese
Carey...: Mama and Eleanor
Carey...: Mama and Eleanor
Carey...: Daddy and Eleanor
Carey...: Daddy and Eleanor
Carey...: Kisses from papa to baby girl
Carey...: Balloons
Carey...: jewels
Carey...: Cousins
Carey...: Hubs
Carey...: Playing in the ice chest cuz it's cool!
Carey...: silly brother and sis
Carey...: Brothers and sisters are weird
Carey...: She loves this car!
Carey...: Strollin
Carey...: Happy Gramma
Carey...: Gramma and Jacob
Carey...: Gramma and her grandkids
Carey...: Gramma and some kids
Carey...: Aunt Heather and Eleanor