...Lys...: I lie under starlit sky the seasons change in the blink of an eye.
...Lys...: I run through a wooded isle and chase the sunlight mile after mile.
...Lys...: I'll be waiting here till the stars fall out of the sky.
...Lys...: I want to visit the the windswept shores of a time before when the moon and the stars were aligned.
...Lys...: Death is a wall but it can't be the end.
...Lys...: How many miles have we wandered, under the sky, chasing our fears?
...Lys...: I have passed my days by the sound of your name.
...Lys...: I feel I should know this place as the road winds on into wide open space.
...Lys...: You are the purest soul I have ever known in my life.
...Lys...: Moss
...Lys...: Little Flower