...Lys...: Live with what you have, and make the most of what's to come.
...Lys...: You say this weakness is an empty pocket, and I'll tell you this weakness in an empty heart...
...Lys...: Put your dreams away for now, I won't see you for some time, I am lost in my mind.
...Lys...: Owe no one anything, except to love each other, for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.
...Lys...: Miles can't contain all that I send out on these cold waves. They'll crash upon your shore, leaving my heart, missing you even more.
...Lys...: “The more I see, the less I know for sure.”
...Lys...: You are the sun that leads me, you are the moon that pulls me, you are the light that leads me, you are the moon that pulls me.
...Lys...: You showed me I must die to live.
...Lys...: My roots have grown but I don't know where they are.
...Lys...: I belong with the salt and the sea and the stones.
...Lys...: I'm just waiting on the sun to close his eyes and call it a night.
...Lys...: I watch the world from the side of the moon, looking at the stars.
...Lys...: The sky wasn't big enough for them all.
...Lys...: Give to me miles of tall evergreens,&the smell of the ocean,&cool mountain breeze.
...Lys...: Seems like everything around here stays like stone.
...Lys...: “True love is rare, and it's the only thing that gives life real meaning.”
...Lys...: I'm going back to where I belong.
...Lys...: Lord have mercy on my rough and rowdy ways.
...Lys...: I will lead you along, down an honest path into patient love. And though we may fall, this I promise you: that you can sleep dear, I'll be right here.
...Lys...: Be completely humble and gentle; be patient, bearing with one another in love.
...Lys...: The light shines in the darkness and the darkness doesn’t extinguish the light.
...Lys...: I welcome the sun, the clouds and the rain, the wind that sweeps the sky clean and lets the suns shine again.
...Lys...: Give me shelter, or show me heart.
...Lys...: In the spring we made a boat, out of feathers, out of bones.
...Lys...: “Once you had put the pieces back together, even though you may look intact, you were never quite the same as you'd been before the fall.”
...Lys...: Love will always cure you, no matter what your sickness is, no matter what hurts you. So give love, it's the only thing that cures you.
...Lys...: If my heart wasn't such a jungle, maybe you wouldn't feel so all alone. And if your heart wasn't such an ocean, I wouldn't sink like a stone.
...Lys...: As the old pine fell we sang, just the bless the morning.
...Lys...: From dirty paws and the creatures below.
...Lys...: When the sky is falling from above you, and the wind is raging from the coast, and you want someone who truely loves you, I will be the one who loves you the most.