...Lys...: I believe that we are lucky, we are golden. We have stolen manners in the days when we were one.
...Lys...: The soft dive of oblivion, how's it going to be, when you don't know me anymore..
...Lys...: I walked on off to another spot,I still haven't gotten anywhere that I want.Did I want love? Did I need to know?
...Lys...: How did we let it get to this?All this fighting makes me sick,the candle has put out the wick,&Iquit.
...Lys...: So many prayers but where's the prayer for peace? My papa told me that we all must serve feed.
...Lys...: Truth is one but goes by many names.
...Lys...: Nickels and dimes, yours and mine, did you cash in all your dreams?
...Lys...: Outside, water like air was great. I didn't know what I had that day.
...Lys...: I know that starting over is not what life's about. But my thoughts were so loud I couldn't hear my mouth.
...Lys...: The wind is writing their own history, but turn their backs on reality.
...Lys...: In this city all hearts shine like gold
...Lys...: I don't want to reason anymore, about the one I love; I don't want to reason anymore, about God above.
...Lys...: I pack up my belongings&I head for the coast,Itmight not be a lot but I feel like I'm making the most.
...Lys...: So many guns but no love for the people; My mama told me that we're all made equal.
...Lys...: What are we fighting for? Why are we still at war? Wheres the love?
...Lys...: A spider web, and I'm caught in the middle, I turned to run, the thought of all the stupid things I've done. They spun a web for me.
...Lys...: I may be a dreamer, but I believe in faith;Only in darkness can you see the stars ablaze.
...Lys...: When I can’t promise I will mend,or bend what you believe;That we are fixed now from our birth&Ive just fallen back to earth.
...Lys...: In a wild dedication, take a moment of hope, &let it run.
...Lys...: Are you made from magic,areyou made from wishful thinking?I'll keep on believing if you keep my boat from sinking.
...Lys...: I wanna show you that my love is pure;see I ask for nothing more;I wanna show you that my love is for real.
...Lys...: But when I see you, it's like I’m staring down the sun,& I’m blinded,there's nothing left todo,&still I see you.
...Lys...: How can we wage war?How can we wage it when we're under the same sky?We're under the same sky.
...Lys...: Well tell me when will I be blessed to join the bliss of your company
...Lys...: Time it passes and it tells us what we’re left with, we become the things we do.
...Lys...: Like the hammock by the doorway, We spent time in swings.. Empty.
...Lys...: What is this lonliness without you? A sky without it's stars, a heart without its love.Why do you seem so very far?
...Lys...: Come one and all,come stand tall;&whatever youre approaching,dance or meditation,Ifyou gotlovealong thanyoushall reachthe station.
...Lys...: You don't know where&youdon't know when,but you still got yourwords&yougot your friends.
...Lys...: Whatever path you follow, push on till tomorrow; Love all, serve all, and create no sorrow.