...Lys...: Lately I have desperately pondered,spent my nights awake&Iwonder;WhatI could have done in another way,to make you stay.
...Lys...: They painted up your secrets,with the lies they told to you;&the least they ever gave you,was the most you ever knew.
...Lys...: They press their lips against you,&you love the lies they say;&I tried so hard to reach you,but your falling anyway.
...Lys...: &I wrote two hundered letters I will never send;Sometimes these cuts are so much deeper then they seem.
...Lys...: Why are you striving these days;Why are you trying to earn grace;Why are you crying;Lift up your face.Just don't turn away.
...Lys...: Like a black sunrise, reality takes shape and form and fills the skies.
...Lys...: Love me,love me,say that you love me;Lead me,lead me, say that you need me.
...Lys...: &Ill be by your side wherever you fall,in the dead of night.
...Lys...: Reason will not reach a solution;I will end up lost in confusion.
...Lys...: &Id never thought about you much, until Im broken down and all alone.
...Lys...: You say its easier to burn than to build;You say its easier to hurt than to heal;But I say you lose when you give up what you love,&Ivelived my life without youlong enough.
...Lys...: So let me be, and I'll set.you.free.
...Lys...: Your voice is small and fading;&you hide in here unknown.
...Lys...: Oh,all that I know;Theres nothing here to run from;&there,everybody heres got something to lean on.
...Lys...: With your wheels on the gravel, I felt my heart strings unravel.
...Lys...: &I wonder where these dreams go, when the world gets in your way?