...Lys...: "Every day can't be the best day, do what you can right now don't hesitate, take the bad with the good now lets play."
...Lys...: "Where are you,my angel,now?Don't you see me crying?&I know that you can't do it all, but you can't say I'm not trying."
...Lys...: "&I'm letting myself down by satisfying you, &Iwish that you could see that I have my troubles too."
...Lys...: "I'm sorry that you have to see the strength inside me burning."
...Lys...: "Walk with the knowledge that you're never alone."
...Lys...: "The end is never the end. A new challenge awaits."
...Lys...: "I fell out of my stream of self-consciousness,&I've got welts on my mind to signify all my accomplishments."
...Lys...: "No longer am I mad about the things I don't have, all I'm living for is love and laughs."
...Lys...: "I hope it's the type of day you would say it was,perfect in every way you could crave of."
...Lys...: "You're all alone with your empty chest,so bury the bones with any regrets&keep those skeletons piled in stacks."
...Lys...: "We walk in the same direction so that we could never stray.
...Lys...: "All I do is try to make it simple, the ones that make it complicated never get congradulated."
...Lys...: "I wish I didn't have to make all those mistakes and be wise. Please try to be patient, and know that I'm still learning."
...Lys...: "I tried to make a difference, but the only thing that changed was I gave you distance."
...Lys...: "&its so hard to do,&so easy to say,but sometimes,sometimes you just have to walk away."
...Lys...: "But it's time that has taken my tomorrows and turned them into yesterdays."
...Lys...: "Falling slowly, eyes that know me,& I can't go back.Moods that take me&erase me,&I'm painted black."
...Lys...: "You wish you could take it back to yesterday, butyou're not alone.Don't waste time feeling sorry for yourself, we'll be right here with you through your war."