...Lys...: I've been up for days, trying to find a way to write my confession down. &Seems every line I writes amiss, at least this I'll admit.
...Lys...: My verdict has come in, it says I'm guilty for my sins this time. &I thought I could escape, but then I finally felt the weight of my crimes.
...Lys...: This is passion, it's not love, &infatuation never ends up right... But at least I won't be alone tonight, because I really don't want to be alone tonight.
...Lys...: I'm afraid to sleep because of the way you haunt me, I know you can make me fall apart so softly, &know you turn away so easily, &leave me all alone.
...Lys...: Finally I could hope for a better day, nolonger holding on to all the things that cloud my mind. Maybe then the weight of the world wouldn't seem so heavy... But then again, I'll probably always feel this way.
...Lys...: I can see the sun setting, it's casting shadows on the sea... I can see the sun setting, it's getting colder, and it's starting to freeze.
...Lys...: And I awoke only to find that my arms were empty, through this night it seems that you were with me.. &now my dreams are not what they're meant to be, &I am all alone.
...Lys...: What makes a man spend his whole life in disguise? What makes a man want to break a heart with ease? What makes a man pray, when he's about to die? I think I know, oh I think I might know...
...Lys...: Because maybe then I could sleep at night, &I wouldn't lie awake until the morning light... But this is something that I'll never control, and my nerves will be the death of me, I know.
...Lys...: I've been known to fall in love, but sometimes love just is not enough, &my heart will stray before too long.
...Lys...: It seems I've been deceived, so now I stand alone and wait for the first stone to be cast upon me.
...Lys...: I can feel the wind blowing, it's sending shivers down my spine.. I can feel the wind blowing, it shakes the trees and the power lines....