Cardinal Spin: Roger Foley Fogg
Cardinal Spin: Modelling the gown-less evening strap
Cardinal Spin: Roger Foley-Fogg attending the Light Fair in Beijing
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Cardinal Spin: OzTrial Chronicles Cover
Cardinal Spin: Roger cooling off in The Kimberley
Cardinal Spin: Giji dancer - 1st rehearsal showing the 'burning of the bodies'
Cardinal Spin: Laserdancer - Light Show at The Powerhouse
Cardinal Spin: WALL OF LIGHT, controlled chaos. The chaotic mist is controlled by the light as determined live by the Lightshow Artist. Made by Fogg Productions Pty Ltd. Sydney for Maggie Tabberer
Cardinal Spin: Spirit of the Gija – 2001 – Doug Macale Jibilyuwuny Garabirringiny dancing at Bow River, Western Australia -- sacred dances of the Gija people from the Kimberly region and desert of Western Australia
Cardinal Spin: Spirit of the Gija – 2002 – sacred dances of the Gija people from the Kimberly desert region, Western Australia, Perth International Arts Festival
Cardinal Spin: Spirit of the Ghanaians – the fishermen of Kokrobite - LOVE ALL – 2007, detail of photograph selected as a finalist for the Blake Prize for Religious Art, Sydney, 2007. Backlit LED transparency
Cardinal Spin: HARBOUR OF LIGHT PARADE, Sydney, 2008, Rainbow Showboats, Lumino Kinetic Sculpture on paddle steamers for New Years Eve by Roger Foley-Fogg
Cardinal Spin: GLBT MARDI GRAS PARADE, Sydney, 2009, Rainbow Freedom Float, Lumino Kinetic Sculpture built on a truck. D&C by Roger Foley-Fogg. This is the largest outdoor, illuminated night-time parade in the world with over 150 parade floats and many different light
Cardinal Spin: Roger Foley-Fogg with Professor Ross Steele in front of Roger's light sculpture
Cardinal Spin: Cover of London Oz Magazine
Cardinal Spin: Fisherman of Kokrobite in Ghana fishing in 'Love All' Boat
Cardinal Spin: Young Girl in Gija - throwing leftover Kangaroo meat to Kites and Crows
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Cardinal Spin: Poster by Roger Foley-Fogg
Cardinal Spin: nick+lobster-opens the MCAcopy
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Cardinal Spin: Madam Lash-Gownless Evening Strap
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Cardinal Spin: MrFoggLightSculpture3HiRes
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