CaLa'Image: Les serres d'Antalya
CaLa'Image: World Standard street... could be anywhere ?
CaLa'Image: Cat as sign keeper...
CaLa'Image: Light Athmosphere
CaLa'Image: The fest !
CaLa'Image: A la fête
CaLa'Image: Colorfull soap on market
CaLa'Image: One of the thousand cat in the town
CaLa'Image: Y'a plus d'credit chez YapiKredi ? :D
CaLa'Image: Do you want tea ?
CaLa'Image: au rasoir près
CaLa'Image: Au fil près
CaLa'Image: Hairdresser
CaLa'Image: Hairdresser doing massage
CaLa'Image: Tipical house of old center
CaLa'Image: Around Antalya
CaLa'Image: Around Antalya
CaLa'Image: Rain and sun
CaLa'Image: Around Antalya
CaLa'Image: Everywhere along the road...
CaLa'Image: long country side
CaLa'Image: long country side
CaLa'Image: On the road, north of Kizkalesi
CaLa'Image: Around Beysehir
CaLa'Image: Wood mosquee
CaLa'Image: Wood mosquee
CaLa'Image: The wood mosquee
CaLa'Image: Wood mosquee
CaLa'Image: Wood mosquee
CaLa'Image: The wood mosquee