Carbon Visuals:
One day's carbon dioxide emissions from the Statue of Liberty - high res still from 'CCS: a 2 degree solution' (film)
Carbon Visuals:
One day's carbon dioxide emissions from above - high res still from 'CCS: a 2 degree solution' (film)
Carbon Visuals:
One day's carbon dioxide emissions from the UN Secretariat Building - high res still from 'CCS: a 2 degree solution' (film)
Carbon Visuals:
Real-time CO2 emissions - high res still from 'CCS: a 2 degree solution' (film)
Carbon Visuals:
One metric ton of carbon dioxide gas - high res still from 'CCS: a 2 degree solution' (film)
Carbon Visuals:
Real-time natural gas consumption - high res still from 'CCS: a 2 degree solution' (film)
Carbon Visuals:
Real-time oil consumption - high res still from 'CCS: a 2 degree solution' (film)
Carbon Visuals:
One day's coal consumption - high res still from 'CCS: a 2 degree solution' (film)