Nicola Zingarelli: Teenager portrait with Lastolite 40" Umbrella box and OrbisFlash
Nicola Zingarelli: Teen on a custom bike shot from the garage's tunnel. Black & White edit
Nicola Zingarelli: Teenager on a custom bike, shot from the tunnel.
Nicola Zingarelli: Teenager on a custom bike, shot from the garage's tunnel.
Nicola Zingarelli: Teenager on a custom bike.Studio work. Complete image
Nicola Zingarelli: Teenager on a custom bike.Studio work. Close up, with lower fill light
Nicola Zingarelli: Teenager on a custom bike.Studio work. Close up with higher fill light
Nicola Zingarelli: The fake suicide session... Playing with Gels, lights and modifiers
Nicola Zingarelli: Portrait of a teen with a sword. Lighting test with gels, grids and umbrellas
Nicola Zingarelli: Portrait of a woman. SB800s through Lastolite Umbrella box and Orbis Flash
Nicola Zingarelli: Portrait of a woman against a yellow background. Shot with a Lumiquest Umbrella Box and Orbis Flash
Nicola Zingarelli: Roaring girl and leopard. Speedlights lights and gels