Carmen Escobar Carrio:
we think the same things at the same time
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Escrito en el agua
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
I don't care what the future holds because I'm right here in your arms today
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
And the slightest sound makes you want to close your eyes and hold your breath.
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
This strange old sunshine beats me senseless
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
stretch yourself until you snap
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
La invasión lagarta
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
a worrisome thing that will leave you to sing the blues
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Give anything to change back to when the waves where smaller
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
And the night mare rides on with september black psalms
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
whatever colors you have in your mind...
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
my sense of duty to offer
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Don't be a slave to the beauty regime
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Hey, I remember that time when I would only smoke Marlboros...
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Where is my master, the rebel prince?
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
El ladrón de gallinas
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Believe me when I tell you I have no place to go
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
La circulación del dinero II
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
La circulación del dinero III
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
La Galana
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
keep an eye on me
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Radical or Pro Parental
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
El pensador de las Torres
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Para el chico hogaza por la paciencia, la ginebra, la sabiduría y el vino.