Carmen Escobar Carrio: Teatro Jovellanos, Gijón
Carmen Escobar Carrio: I can feel the hills exploding, exploding gracefully
Carmen Escobar Carrio: Someday, sorry, coming home.. sorry, snail, down in my heart
Carmen Escobar Carrio: Climbing up the walls
Carmen Escobar Carrio: Hey there, Luna, I'd like to tell you...
Carmen Escobar Carrio: Cerrado por derribo
Carmen Escobar Carrio: and we can rise with the fire of freedom
Carmen Escobar Carrio: Nothing remains
Carmen Escobar Carrio: Sunny border blue
Carmen Escobar Carrio: Tell me, do you really think you go to hell for having loved?
Carmen Escobar Carrio: Como la manzana en la rama más alta
Carmen Escobar Carrio: I will follow the rainbow to the end of the road
Carmen Escobar Carrio: As the world keeps coming and the bees keep humming
Carmen Escobar Carrio: Water, I'm walking, walking on..
Carmen Escobar Carrio: Come on, lay down and search no more
Carmen Escobar Carrio: No, no fights no threats, no fights
Carmen Escobar Carrio: Do you remember feeling any other way?
Carmen Escobar Carrio: There are no more tickets to the funeral
Carmen Escobar Carrio: And everything is suddenly... ¡exploding!
Carmen Escobar Carrio: No thanks, no more, no loss, I'm done
Carmen Escobar Carrio: but we went on whole-hearted
Carmen Escobar Carrio: La luna el día de tu cumpleaños
Carmen Escobar Carrio: Y toca San Pedro campanas frente al mar...
Carmen Escobar Carrio: Y ahora quiero perderme
Carmen Escobar Carrio: why so green and lonely?
Carmen Escobar Carrio: in my own private circle of hell
Carmen Escobar Carrio: I don't like this party, they won't let me make the drinks
Carmen Escobar Carrio: every step that I make is just another mistake
Carmen Escobar Carrio: Por favor, no insistan
Carmen Escobar Carrio: El pensador de las Torres