Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Cosas más surrealistas pasan
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Piscina-río o río-piscina
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Meet the real world coming out of your shell
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Escultura funeraria
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
If there was a better way to go then it would find me
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Magere brug
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
sic amet ipse licet, sic non potiatur amato!
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
a worrisome thing that will leave you to sing the blues
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
"etquis, io silvae, crudelius" inquit "amauit?"
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
but I don't know why but when it rains, it rains on me
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
cunctaque miratur, quibus est mirabilis ipse
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Give anything to change back to when the waves where smaller
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
the sky just opens and when it rains, it pours
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
If heaven doesn't exist, what will we have missed?
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
till we are old and grey
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
And I was making a wish...
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
water for a thirst you can't fight
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Diente de león gigante
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
I don't care what the future holds because I'm right here in your arms today
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Escrito en el agua
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Don't be a slave to the beauty regime
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
I don't want to know what's my horoscope's predicting
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
And all the hours we spent alone..
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
I'm so lonesome I could cry
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
I promised I would drown myself in mysticated wine
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Leave your pain in the river to be washed away slow
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
As you spring so shall you neap
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
The world is just there, it doesn't move me