Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Cosas más surrealistas pasan
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Piscina-río o río-piscina
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
El que va de romería se arrepiente al otro día
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
The crying tree of Mercury
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
I can feel the hills exploding, exploding gracefully
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
La creación según robles
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
roble rey
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Walking in the dark
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
A place where she could rest and a place where she could wash
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Autumn leaves...
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
One more medicated peaceful moment
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
and wake up with the clouds so far
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
a worrisome thing that will leave you to sing the blues
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
ministerio de igualdad
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
If heaven doesn't exist, what will we have missed?
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Jardines de cocina
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
y allí me di de bruces con gigantes
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
I don't want to know what's my horoscope's predicting
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Where is my master, the rebel prince?
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
You're the ghost of my indecision
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
I am here, and you are there, so who cares what I wear on the new year's eve?
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
we are going where air is free
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Like ancient bruises
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Nothing remains
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
Como la manzana en la rama más alta
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
I saw a light coming through the trees
Carmen Escobar Carrio:
carbon monoxide