Redfeatherz: Before the drunkeness.
Redfeatherz: Ooo La La
Redfeatherz: Candle party!
Redfeatherz: whajewget?
Redfeatherz: Can you tell we were all dancers at one point?
Redfeatherz: Mangle Tangle
Redfeatherz: Oh my god.
Redfeatherz: Splits!
Redfeatherz: Look at Adam.
Redfeatherz: HAR HAR
Redfeatherz: The girls with Sue Boy.
Redfeatherz: chattin
Redfeatherz: The happy couple.
Redfeatherz: passie and baba
Redfeatherz: suckle [ew]
Redfeatherz: Are these homemade?!
Redfeatherz: Baby love.
Redfeatherz: Yea, I don't remember this.
Redfeatherz: Stumble-ina and Drunky Brewster
Redfeatherz: smooch
Redfeatherz: Together!
Redfeatherz: Jeez louise guys.
Redfeatherz: John and Bung
Redfeatherz: Gee and Care at G-Pa Gabe's 80th birthday.
Redfeatherz: The lil ones.
Redfeatherz: Luna and a Hobo