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mourning light {Explored} thank you so much for all the visits
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mourning yoga
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painterly light
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Band-tailed - no ordinary pigeon!
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life at the fountain
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my new best friend
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lonesome dove
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Mourning Dove (Explored)
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mourning courtship
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A Fine Romance
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truly, deeply, madly
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dove with ambience
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in the spotlight
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mourning dove
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New visitors to the Buckeye tree - Band-tailed Pigeons
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Band-tailed Pigeon
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mourning dove
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The "eyes" have it
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painterly bandtail
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Dove in Soft Light
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Mourning Face
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Band-tails in the Buckeye - Patagioenas fasciata
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Quiet Mourning
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Beautiful Band-tail - Patagioenas fasciata - sitting in the Magnolia tree
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softly spoken
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Wood Pigeon
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Mourning Light
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Band-tailed on a cloudy day
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Velvet in the treetops