captnoddball: DSCF5069
captnoddball: DSCF5099
captnoddball: bigdipper
captnoddball: super moon on the rise
captnoddball: super moon
captnoddball: super moon
captnoddball: ptm13 40/52 "found"
captnoddball: the big dipper
captnoddball: night sky at emr paintball
captnoddball: night sky at EMR paintball
captnoddball: m4h week 40 "letter of the alphabet" Milky Way
captnoddball: big dipper
captnoddball: auriga constellation
captnoddball: a journey thru the stars
captnoddball: stargazing
captnoddball: jupiter and gemini
captnoddball: road to the stars
captnoddball: beam me up scotty!
captnoddball: peaking out early
captnoddball: a journey through space
captnoddball: "blue"moon