Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): A visual refreshing break from the summer heat...
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): "Tranquillité" in Nature
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): The scent of fresh blossomy air
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): Quiet moments of solitude
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): Happiness... is a belly full of milk and an afternoon nap!
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): RIP sweet Gargamel... the Wolf
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): Treasures of the Winter landscape
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): The playful bonds of Wolves
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): Through and under the months of Winter
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): Finding warmth on a cold night
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): Fun with my boy Milo... (Silly Selfie Fridays)
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): Visions of mysterious beauty ... (Year in review... 2021)
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): The lifting of Autumn's veil
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): I sure am Happy to meet you :-D
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): The season of change (soon to come again)
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): The power of rejuvenation
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): The wielder of the Hammer of power...
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): The flower amongst the blooms- The Orchard (#3- 5 series)
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): Cabin fever on a cold wintery March day. (Year in review... March 2022)
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): Opposites attract... The unlikeliness of special friends :-)
Captions by Nica... (Fieger Photography): Frolicking through the Dandelions