gwhastings: Aunu'u, looking west.
gwhastings: Aunu'u looking north
gwhastings: Aunu'u
gwhastings: Aunu'u path
gwhastings: Aunu'u...the old landing, 1966
gwhastings: The old landing, 1966
gwhastings: tamaiti Aunu'u, 1966
gwhastings: The Landing...Aunu'u, 1966
gwhastings: Tiva Thompson, Mark Hastings, Tiana Fanua at the landing, 1966
gwhastings: Tusiga Fanua, 1966
gwhastings: Tusiga Fanua & longboat
gwhastings: construction supplies and palagi boy with kilikiti bat!
gwhastings: construction new toilets
gwhastings: Grocery delivery...Aunu'u, 1966
gwhastings: Groceries
gwhastings: groceries
gwhastings: groceries4
gwhastings: The path at Aunu'ufou
gwhastings: Principal's house..Aunu'ufou School
gwhastings: Fiailoa Taufi (Salevao)?
gwhastings: Water supply
gwhastings: Fale Aunu'u
gwhastings: laufala supplies
gwhastings: Visit
gwhastings: We visit with Fa'aofo Alaifune
gwhastings: Fa'aofo Alaifune and Lynne Hastings Slater
gwhastings: The back path to Aunu'ufou
gwhastings: Path through the plantations to the school
gwhastings: Path to Aunu'ufou
gwhastings: Path through the banana plantation