Rich3591: young couple
Rich3591: smoking
Rich3591: eyes tight shut
Rich3591: Girl under Eros
Rich3591: sore foot
Rich3591: man on steps
Rich3591: walking the dogs
Rich3591: I'm watching you...
Rich3591: feeding the swans
Rich3591: feeding the gulls
Rich3591: asleep in a shelter
Rich3591: photographer at work
Rich3591: smile
Rich3591: aching feet
Rich3591: feet relaxing
Rich3591: helping hand
Rich3591: girl posing
Rich3591: young female portrait
Rich3591: shopping trip
Rich3591: checking the pictures
Rich3591: A girl taking a picture
Rich3591: looking over the railings high contrast bw
Rich3591: girl
Rich3591: who're you lookin' at
Rich3591: on a phone break
Rich3591: 50% off boy bw
Rich3591: tram's back
Rich3591: backstreet chat
Rich3591: man on a bench
Rich3591: Me in my favourite position - hovering over a close-up