Captain Oblivion: First morning in Paris
Captain Oblivion: Palis of teh Luxenburger
Captain Oblivion: Hurro im in paris
Captain Oblivion: Me: Wow paris is just awesome, Zoe:Somebody help! somethings latched on to me
Captain Oblivion: Luxemburger hotel
Captain Oblivion: For the ladies
Captain Oblivion: One of the oldest streets in the Latin Quater
Captain Oblivion: So gritty
Captain Oblivion: Me breaking in to our flat
Captain Oblivion: Zoe climbing the staircase to our flat
Captain Oblivion: Wandering around streets making stupid faces
Captain Oblivion: Wow... just wow
Captain Oblivion: Ye olde grande building no. 54326
Captain Oblivion: A bit stunned
Captain Oblivion: The Loove
Captain Oblivion: Had to get a shot of the fancy french metro sign
Captain Oblivion: Zozo hanging out in our flat
Captain Oblivion: Looking the other way
Captain Oblivion: The view from our flat
Captain Oblivion: Zozo enjoys the cafe
Captain Oblivion: Roller-Blading Policemen lol
Captain Oblivion: Zoe slacking off yet again
Captain Oblivion: French Fridge
Captain Oblivion: Out the front of Le Petit Saint Benoit
Captain Oblivion: Montparnasse Cemetery
Captain Oblivion: There were some cool graves
Captain Oblivion: The emo man
Captain Oblivion: Creepy moss man
Captain Oblivion: Zoes Grandmothers Grave