captain_j03: Roadrunner
captain_j03: Motion Blur
captain_j03: noch mehr Pilze
captain_j03: Baumpilze im Sonnenlicht
captain_j03: Kirschblüten
captain_j03: Take me to your leader!
captain_j03: Mistkäfer
captain_j03: Weird beetle
captain_j03: Diestelfalter
captain_j03: Diestelfalter auf Löwenzahn
captain_j03: Vogelbad
captain_j03: Noch ein Distelfalter
captain_j03: Großes Ochsenauge (1/2)
captain_j03: Rostfarbiger Dickkopffalter
captain_j03: Distelfalter auf Disteln (1/5)
captain_j03: Distelfalter auf Disteln (5/5)
captain_j03: Don't eat the yellow Shroom
captain_j03: Dead and not yet gone
captain_j03: Mushroom and clover
captain_j03: Kohlweißling
captain_j03: Kaisermantel (Weibchen)
captain_j03: Kaisermantel
captain_j03: Fichtenwald
captain_j03: Mistkäfer
captain_j03: The Getaway
captain_j03: Kleiner Fuchs
captain_j03: Waldbrettspiel
captain_j03: Mistkäfer
captain_j03: Libelle
captain_j03: Herbstastern