WhishingOnAsTar!: Trees molded by the wind
WhishingOnAsTar!: Trees molded by the wind
WhishingOnAsTar!: Sutro Heights Park
WhishingOnAsTar!: Behind those eyes
WhishingOnAsTar!: Poor are the ones who always need more
WhishingOnAsTar!: If it goes faster can you still follow me?
WhishingOnAsTar!: Point Reyes Lighthouse
WhishingOnAsTar!: Earthquake Trail
WhishingOnAsTar!: This week we really saw why JFK called spaceflight "the most hazardous and dangerous and greatest adventure on which man has ever embarked." No frontier has been won without risk of life. No form of transport is without risk. I stand with the brave pione
WhishingOnAsTar!: Elon knows how to party
WhishingOnAsTar!: As if telepresence robots around University Avenue were not enough, we now have the night-watch robots in Mountain View... Welcome to the future.
WhishingOnAsTar!: Halloween at the Steve Jobs house.