WhishingOnAsTar!: India's gift to CERN
WhishingOnAsTar!: CERN entrance
WhishingOnAsTar!: ATLAS Point, LHC
WhishingOnAsTar!: CERN building 40
WhishingOnAsTar!: Where art meets science
WhishingOnAsTar!: Going down to the Large Hadron Collider
WhishingOnAsTar!: A technological masterpiece
WhishingOnAsTar!: The CMS detector
WhishingOnAsTar!: The Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) experiment
WhishingOnAsTar!: Where particles collide
WhishingOnAsTar!: ATLAS drawings
WhishingOnAsTar!: Greek Geometry at CERN
WhishingOnAsTar!: The Standard Model
WhishingOnAsTar!: India's gift to CERN. The creator of the cosmic universe, the embodiment of all virtues, the king of dancers in the twilight.
WhishingOnAsTar!: Where particles collide. A technological masterpiece. Product of decades of international, intercultural collaboration. Science unites. #CERN rocks.
WhishingOnAsTar!: I'm going down down down
WhishingOnAsTar!: The Piggs Boson. Things you find at CERN
WhishingOnAsTar!: Office with a view :)