Simon MacMichael: Balliol College, Oxford
Simon MacMichael: Oxford Pro-test
Simon MacMichael: Oxford Pro-test
Simon MacMichael: Balliol College, Oxford
Simon MacMichael: Clarendon Building and Sheldonian Theatre
Simon MacMichael: Listening intently
Simon MacMichael: Oxford Pro-test
Simon MacMichael: Oxford Pro-test
Simon MacMichael: Oxford Pro-test
Simon MacMichael: Oxford Pro-test
Simon MacMichael: 'Ullo, 'ullo, 'ullo...
Simon MacMichael: Every picture tells a story
Simon MacMichael: Oxford Pro-test
Simon MacMichael: Oxford Pro-test
Simon MacMichael: Oxford Pro-test
Simon MacMichael: Oxford Pro-test
Simon MacMichael: Oxford Pro-test
Simon MacMichael: Oxford Pro-test
Simon MacMichael: Oxford Pro-test
Simon MacMichael: Oxford Pro-test
Simon MacMichael: Oxford Pro-test
Simon MacMichael: Milling around
Simon MacMichael: Oxford Pro-test
Simon MacMichael: Oxford Pro-test
Simon MacMichael: Police horses on The Broad
Simon MacMichael: Oxford Pro-test
Simon MacMichael: Vegetarians against the ALF
Simon MacMichael: Police horse at Oxford Pro-test
Simon MacMichael: BBC interviewing Dr Evan Harris MP